Sorry to call you so early.
No, professor, it's aII right.
What is it?
WeII, we've found
something extraordinary.
Extraordinary and disturbing, that is.
You recaII what you said in New DeIhi
about how poIar meIting. . .
. . .might disrupt
the North AtIantic Current?
WeII. . .
. . .I think it's happening.
What do you mean?
One of our NOMAD buoys registered
a 1 3-degree drop...
...in surface temperature.
I've sent you an e-mail.
HoId on.
At first we thought it was a malfunction.
But there are four more across the
North Atlantic showing the same thing.
This is unbeIievabIe.
You predicted it wouId happen.
Yes, but not in our Iifetime.
This is too fast.
There are no forecast modeIs
remoteIy capabIe. . .
. . .of pIotting this scenario, except yours.
My modeI is a reconstruction
of a prehistoric cIimate shift.
It's not a forecast modeI.
It's the closest thing we have.
Nothing Iike this has ever
happened before.
At Ieast not in the Iast 1 0,000 years.
As I predicted yesterday, the swell
off Hurricane Noelani is incredible.
These waves are even bigger
than I imagined. Just take a look.
ShouIdn't you be monitoring
the weather?
This is L.A. What weather?
Wait. What's that noise?
What noise?