The Day After Tomorrow

Victor's coming to pick me up. You
guys want a ride to the train station?

Not anymore.
In Nova Scotia earlier today the ocean
rose by 25 feet in a matter of seconds.

What we have feared for the past
few days has indeed happened.

The cold front moving from the Arctic...
...has created an enormous
storm system in Canada...

... which, incredible as it sounds,
looks more like a tropical hurricane....

I gotta go pick up my IittIe brother.
Do you guys want a ride?

-Where is he?
-He's in a boarding schooI in PhiIadeIphia.

If this system moves south...
... we could see
a wind-driven storm surge...

... threaten the entire
Eastern Seaboard.

Okay, bye.
Victor's stuck in traffic
over on Fifth Avenue.

It'II be easier to head out of town
if we meet him over there.

You mean waIk?
No, not in this.

We shouId take the stairs.
We're on the top fIoor.
I guess we're waIking.
Maybe we shouId just stay here.
I think the young Iady is right.
No. We need to get home.
Hey, Cesar, come here.
What are you doing?
The woIves, they're gone.
Just to give you an idea
of the situation...

... which seems to be becoming worse
with each passing minute:
