of film culture.
Now, for bureaucratic reasons,
culture's arch-enemies...
have seized this bastion of liberty.
Resist them!
-Liberty isn't given!
-lt's taken!
All those who love film...
-ln France.
-And abroad.
-Are with you.
-And with Henry Langlois!
Henri Langlois
created the Cinematheque.
Because he liked to show movies...
instead of letting them rot
in some underground vault.
He'd show any movies,
good, bad, old, new...
silents, westerns, thrillers.
All the new wave filmmakers
came here to learn their craft.
This is where modern cinema
was born.
What lies behind it: the police!
Langlois had been sacked
by the Government.
Every film buff in Paris
had turned out in protest.
lt was our very own cultural
Excuse me...
Can you remove this?
-lt's stuck to my lips.
Can you remove my cigarette?
lt's stuck.
Yes, yes... Of course.
-What are you? English?
-No, l'm American.