and happenings...
They believe that
these possess the capacity...
not only to provoke society,
but also to transform it.
What is it you are saying?
lf Langlois is dismissed,
we shouldn't do anything?
lf immigrants are deported,
if students are beaten up,
we shouldn't do anything?
What l'm saying is that
a little lucidity would not go amiss.
So, everyone's wrong but you?
ln France, in ltaly,
Germany, America...
Before you can change the world,
you must realise
you yourself are part of it.
You can't stand outside looking in.
You're the one who stands outside.
You're the one who refused to sign
a petition against the Vietnam War.
Poets don't sign petitions.
They sign poems.
-A petition is a poem.
-Yes. And a poem is a petition.
Thank you, Theo,
but l'm not gaga yet.
l don't need you
to remind me of my own work.
That's right.
A petition is a poem
and a poem is a petition.
Those are the most famous lines
you ever wrote.
And now look at you.
-l hope l'll never become like him.
We should say goodnight.
We've got a long day tomorrow.
Yes, sorry. You were saying?
We should get to bed.
You had something
to tell the children.
Yes, of course.
l'm sorry.
The cheques are on the mantelpiece.
Don't cash them until you need them.
Good night, everybody.
Good night, papa.
Have a safe journey.