The Dreamers

They weren't caught in 'Bande a
Part', we won't be caught either.

-lt's a movie!
-Go get papa's stopwatch.

lt's a great idea, but...
-lt's not...
-This is a test.

Are you going to pass it or fail it?
Be careful. A lot depends
on how you answer.

9 minutes and 28 seconds.
We beat the record by 1 7 seconds!

We did it!
Matthew, my little Matthew.
You were wonderful!

'We accept him. One of us.'
'We accept him. One of us.'
We accept him. One of us.
We accept him, we accept him.
Gooble gooble,
gooble gooble.

'We accept him. One of us.'
One of us.
When your mother,
sends back all your invitations.
And your father...
to your sister...
he explains...
that you're tired of yourself...
and all of your creations,
