-What film?
-What film?
Name a film where a cross
marks the spot of a murder.
Or pay the forfeit.
-You too, Matthew.
-What have l done?
-Name a film or pay the forfeit.
-Time's up.
-You didn't even give me a chance.
-The film?
-'Scarface.' Howard Hawks. 1932.
And the forfeit?
As you know, lsabelle,
l'm not a sadist.
l just want to see everyone happy,
no-one left out.
So, l'd like you...
and Matthew...
to make love in front of me.
But not in here, l don't fancy sleeping
in someone else's spunk.
-No offence, Matthew.
ln the spare room.
ln front of the Delacroix.
Maybe one reproduction
will inspire another.
l won't do it.
-You won't do it?
-You wouldn't.
Matthew isn't my type.