- Just fine ?
- Just fine.
it's your great privilege
to meet this man.
He's the best cutter in town.
- Who's your assistant ?
- I don't have an assistant.
I have a friend that's looking
to get into the racket.
I don't work with an assistant.
You have
something for me, Thelma ?
Straight to business.
I got a job last week
that I passed on
and I think
it's right up your alley.
You know Charles Bannister ?
His widow
is looking for a cutter.
Bannister, the EYE Tech lawyer ?
He was out jogging
and his heart collapsed.
Wait a minute.
EYE Tech let that footage out ?
Jennifer Bannister
won the lawsuit against them
and claimed her husband's implant.
She insisted on having
her own cutter, too.
And with good reason.
We could have taken that job.
After Caldwell,
our schedule is wide open.
I don't like the ugly stuff.
It gives me nightmares.
And this pig Bannister,
he's human garbage.
I took one look at the footage
and sent it straight back.
She only hired me because
you were busy with Monroe.
It's you she really wants.
- I'm available.
- Good.
Our friend Alan,
that's his specialty,
so to speak.
If you can't bear
to look at it, he will.
I'll tell her
you'll come by tomorrow.
She'll be expecting you.
We should actually go.
Oh, yes.
Rememory is in two days
and we're still cutting picture.
Goddamn last-minute jobs.
Thelma, come on.
It keeps you young.
Oh, hey, Alan.
I've been working on
this new sorting program
for the Guillotine
and I would really love
to get your feedback on it.
Maybe another time.
Yeah, maybe some other time.