We're gonna have to do something
pretty desperate to keep warm.
This is where you tell me the only way we'll
survive is if we huddle together for warmth.
Well, if you insist.
- Body warmth only. Got it?
- Got it.
That's Sheliak...
...and Terebellum, Cassiopeia.
Don't tell me you memorized
the universe.
Well, the known universe.
What happened to the last Librarian?
He died.
End of story.
- I'm no good at remembering details.
- You're the type that remembers everything.
You don't know anything about me.
You're the youngest of three siblings
and the only girl.
Your mother's English, your father's South
American, Argentinean, but you never...
You never bothered to learn Spanish.
You never had any pets.
Your favorite stone is jade.
And you wish more than anything that
you could forget half of what you've seen.
But you can't.
- Well, I could do the same thing about you.
- Be my guest.
Fair enough.
The last Librarian...
...Edward Wilde.