Our lives are not at risk.
Now sit down and belt up.
I'm getting completely lost.
Yes, we have a slight state of emergency.
French twa...
I want you to go very quietly
and spik with the peelot.
- Peelot?
- What?
- You said "peelot".
- I know very well what I said.
I have a funny feeling we might be
landing in Rome sooner than we think.
You be careful, Mr Sellers.
Carol, our guest has arrived.
Will you take his coat, please?
And he also looks a little thirsty, Gill.
Ah, yes, Switzerland. Of course.
Hi. Blake Edwards.
Running things on a shoestring, I see.
- Welcome to Hollywood.
- This is Italy.
Hollywood is a state of mind.
I've got one or two ideas about Clouseau.
Couple of bits...
Peter. The script will be shot as written.
- Yes, but in the bedroom scene...
- I mean it.
Look at his...
OK. You look great. Let's shoot this.
This is where we introduce Clouseau