The Manchurian Candidate

Raymond? Answer me, my boy.
- Colonel!
- Ben. May I come in for a minute?

Oh, please do. Of course. Come on in.
May I ask the Colonel:
(a) is this an official visit?
And (b) may I mix you a drink?

(a) Yes, it is, and (b) you certainly may.
- Scotch all right?
- Fine.

My God,
where'd ya get all the books?

I... I got a guy picks 'em out for me
at random.
- Water all right?
- Fine.

He's in, uh... San Francisco.
A little bookstore out there.

And, uh... he ships 'em to me,
wherever I happen to be stationed.

- Have you read them all?
- Yeah.

They'd also make great insulation
against an enemy attack.

But the truth of the matter is
that I'm just interested, you know,

in principles of modern banking
and the history of piracy,

the paintings of Orozco,
modern French theatre,
the jurisprudential factor
of the Mafia administration,

diseases of horses
and the novels of Joyce Cary

and ethnic choices of the Arabs.
Things like that.
- Ben.
- Sir.

The army's got
a lot of things wrong with it, but

it does take care of
its own people, which is why I'm here.

As a public relations officer,
you're a disaster.

I never wanted the job.
You permitted the secretary to make
unfortunate remarks to that idiot, Iselin,

which started him off on a rampage.
