be assured my purse, my person,
my extremest means
lie all unlocked to your occasion.
In Belmont is a lady richly left -
and she is fair, and fairer than that word -
of wondrous virtues.
Sometimes, from her eyes
I did receive fair...
speechless messages.
Her name is Portia, no less a beauty
than Cato"s daughter, Brutus" Portia.
Nor is the wide world
ignorant of her worth,
for the four winds blow in from every coast
renowned suitors.
O my Antonio,
had I but the means
to hold a rival place with one of them
then I should questionless be fortunate.
Thou knowest my fortunes are at sea.
Neither have I money nor commodity
to raise a present sum.
Therefore, go forth.
Try what my credit can in Venice do.
It shall be racked, even to the uttermost,
to furnish you to Belmont,
and fair Portia.