The Merchant of Venice

You shall not seal such a bond for me.
L"d rather live in my necessity.

Why, fear not, man.
I will not forfeit it.
Within these two months,
that"s a month before this bond expires,

I do expect return of thrice three times
the value of this bond.

O father Abraham,
what these Christians are,

whose own hard dealings teaches them
suspect the thoughts of others.

I pray you, tell me this.
If he should break his day, what should
I gain by the exaction of the forfeiture?

A pound of a man"s flesh taken from a man
is not so estimable,

profitable neither,
as flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats.
I say, to buy his favour,
I extend this friendship.

If he will take it, so. If not, adieu.
And, for my love, I pray you, wrong me not.
I will seal unto this bond.
Dislike me not for my complexion,
the shadowed livery of the burnished sun,
to whom I am a neighbour and near bred.

Yallah! Yallah!
Bring me the fairest creature
northward born,

where the sun"s fire
scarce thaws the icicles,

and let us make incision for your love
to prove whose blood is reddest,
his or mine.

I tell thee,
lady, this aspect of mine
hath feared the valiant.

Yea, by my love I swear, the most regarded
virgins of our clime have loved it too.

I would not change this hue, except
to steal your thoughts, my gentle queen.
