who indeed gives rare new liveries.
- Gratiano.
- I have a suit to you.
- You have obtained it.
- You must not deny me -
I must go with you to Belmont.
Why, then you must. But hear thee, you are
too wild, too rude, too bold of voice,
things that become you happily enough
and in such eyes as ours appears not false.
But where you are not known, why,
there they show something too... liberal.
Pray you, take pain to dilute with some
cold drops of modesty your skipping spirit,
lest through your wild behaviour
I be misconstrued in the place I go
and lose my hopes.
Signior Bassanio, hear me.
If I do not put on a sober habit, talk with
respect, and swear but now and then,
look demurely,
nay more, while grace is saying,
hood mine eyes thus with my hat
and sigh and say, "Amen,"
never trust me more.
Well, we shall see your bearing.
Nay, but I bar tonight.
You shall not gauge me
by what we do tonight.
God bless your worship.
Signior Bassanio.
Many thanks.
Would you something from me?
- Here is my son, sir, a poor boy.
- Not a poor boy, sir,
but the rich Jew"s man that would, sir,
as my father shall specify.
He hath a great infection, sir,
as one would say, to serve.
Indeed, sir. The short and the long is,