With one fool"s head
I came to woo.
But I go away with two.
Antonio"s ship is wrecked,
gone down with all hands,
all merchandise lost.
Come on up! Come on up.
Who is that there?
- Jew!
- The Jew! Hey!
Take some pleasure with us!
Taste my Christian flesh!
- What news on the Rialto?
- Why, yet it lives there unchecked
that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading
wrecked on the narrow seas -
the Goodwins, I think they call the place,
a very dangerous flat and fatal -
where the carcasses of
many a tall ship lie buried.
What say you?
I would it might prove
the end of his losses.
How now, Shylock?
What news amongst the merchants?
You knew of my daughter"s flight.
None so well.
None so well as you.
And Shylock for his own part
knew the bird was fledged
and then it is the complexion of them all
to leave the dam.
She be damned for it.
Tell us, do you hear whether Antonio
have had any loss at sea or no?