you spin such high-day wit in praising him.
Come. Come, Nerissa,
for I long to see quick Cupid"s post
that comes so mannerly.
Bassanio, lord Love, if your will it be.
There"s something tells me,
but it is not love.
I would not lose you.
And yourself knows
hate counsels not in such a quality.
I would detain you here a month
or two before you venture for me.
I could teach you
how to choose right
but then I"d break my oath.
That will I never do.
So may you miss me
and if you do, you make me wish that sin
that I had broke my oath.
Contend me with your eyes
for they have o"erlooked me
and divided me.
One half of me is yours, the other half
yours, mine own, I would say,
but if mine, then yours and so...
all yours.