The Polar Express

Young lady, forgive me.
I believe I have neglected
to punch your ticket.

May I?
I left my ticket right here on the seat.
- But it's gone.
- You mean...

:20:21 have lost your ticket.
She didn't lose her ticket.
I did.
I was trying to return it to you.
But the wind blew it out of my hand.
You can have my ticket.
These tickets are not transferable.
Young lady...
:20:49 will just have to
come along with me.

You know what's gonna happen now?
He's gonna throw her off the train.

He's gonna probably throw her
off the rear platform.

Standard procedure. That way,
she won't get sucked under the wheels.

They may slow the train down,
but they're never gonna stop it.

Stop it?
That's it! I have to stop the train again.
No, please, don't do that again.
Where'd they go?
What happened to them?
Please, she's in big trouble.
You have to help me.
