Your department, I believe.
A few more than I said, I'm afraid.
Looks like Dan's on a fruit
and nut diet.
- Still need notes for Monday?
- Mmm. Sorry.
Hey, quick drink before you starts?
Are you not going home
to your beautiful wife?
She's out on the piss
with her beautiful sister.
Oh, go on. What do you say?
Nah, I've got to get on with this,
haven't I?
Mysterious, yet slightly naughty,
for the femme fatale of today.
It's not me.
A single sniff turns tongue tied boys
into fluent cunnilinguists.
- Oh, did Sam like your card?
- Suppose so.
Bit weird, really.
He said it was sexy.
A picture of Marge Simpson?
Oh, bugger.
- Maybe his other card was sexy.
- What other card?
The one he's not telling you
about, dummy
He's obviously got
a secret admirer too.
Excuse me, your table's ready.
He would have told me
when I showed him mine.
Darling, you're forgetting,
he's a man.
You're a nurse, you should know
They've got smaller brains than us.
So they can fit them into
their penises.
I don't know why you sleep with
so many men.
You obviously don't like them.
llike bits of them.
Not all married men are like
your boyfriends know.
Of course they are.
- It's just a question of opportunity.
- It's a question of trust.
If someone fancied Sam,
he'd tell me straight away.
He would.
Okay. Prove it.
I got one with nothing on it.
Must be from Henry. Silent type.
Come on. Ten quid says
he doesn't tell you.
Hundred says he does.
So, you liked it then?