- Sorry.
- I'm sorry.
'A Cock On The Lips Now'?
I thought you liked
romantic comedies.
It's research.
A new surgery the practice
want me to run.
How to maintain a healthy sex Life
in monogamous relationships.
I hate to tell you this, but I don't
think these reflect reality too much.
Don't forget I Stay Hard All Night.
'I Stay Hard All Night'. I told you
they don't reflect reality.
Oh my God, that's Jenny Clough!
- Who?
- Jenny Clough.
Had a thing about Sam at uni.
Christian fundamentalist.
Oh my God! Let's put it on,
Let's watch it! Come on!
Oh, what's got into you
tonight, hmm?
I think you know.
God... it was great, wasn't it?
The whole phone sex thing, hmm?
You had phone sex?
With another woman?
Did I?
But I thought it was you.
Why would it be me?
Who else would it be?
I don't know.
Maybe it was your wife.
I think I would have recognised
my own wife, hmm?
Besides, Alice could never be that...