Don't be silly.
Alice, don't be silly.
are gorgeous.
Really, really gorgeous.
Then why doesn't he want me?
Because he's stupid.
Oh God.
She was all...
tall and sexy and exotic.
Russian or something.
- God. Don't you just hate that?
- And a bit painty.
- Painty?
- I don't know.
Maybe she was a decorator
or something.
You know the worst thing?
There was Sam... on his knees
in front of me, and there was this...
I can't describe it.
Intense desire.
He used to feel that way about me.
It's not there any more, unless
he thinks I'm someone else.
maybe you should think
about getting out.
I hate to say this, but if he's having
an affair, men like that don't change.
And I kissed Archie.
- Tongues?
- Flic, It was everything
Tongues, Lips, hands.
What have I done?
I mean, Archie's the last person
in the world I'd want to hurt.