Doesn't sound very painful to me.
Sounds rather scrumptious.
That was the point.
It was so...
it wasn't me that kissed him.
It was Anonymous.
Morning, Sam.
All right, Archie?
Hey, who pissed in your porridge?
Mr. Webb, can I conclude that
what you're saying is that
these pictures have been
digitally enhanced?
Yes, certain minor elements
of the picture have been enhanced...
A simple yes or no will suffice.
So according to Mr. Webb here,
we can no longer assume
that these pictures...
that the defendants claim were
taken on the night in question...
relate in any way to the events
they supposedly portray.
Mr. Webb.
Could you outline for us exactly
where you have identified
digital enhancement?
Well, a couple of them have been
f Lipped to improve the composition.
The most noticeable change is...
here. Just at the edge.