The Truth About Love

The bedside lamp has been removed.
The most significant change,
you say?

And have you been
able to identify

any alterations to the persons
in the photographs?

No. Not really.
In fact.
None. Thank you, Mr. Webb.
Great, I'm being hung out to dry here
and I'm getting nothing from you.

Sam, don't start on me, okay?
Look, let's face it,
we're stuffed al ready.

So unless you can come up
with something very quickly,

I'm putting Dan on the stand.
And where's that gonna get us?
Sympathy. It's damage
Limitation time for me.

I've got it!
I'm gonna win him back.
No, don't you see? When Sam
finds out I'm Anonymous...

he's gonna have a wife
and a mistress in one.

He's never gonna
wanna stray again.

Sorry, Dan.
You're stuffed.
Wait a minute.
Hip, arse, hip, arse...
What do you want?
I have to see you.
I'll text you.
Come on. Come on.
There must be. There must be.
Yes. Yes!
Alice. Hi.
