The elders are going to have an inquiry
Each member of the village is to be
questioned about you.
To see how the border was breached.
It is cold outside.
You ought to go in.
Why are you on this porch?
Is it not safe?
There are other porches.
Do you find me too much of a town boy?
I do want to do boy things.
Like that game the boys play when they
They put their backs to the woods,
and see how long they can wait,
before getting scared.
So exiting.
I understand you hold the record.
It will never be broken, they say.
It's just childrens games.
How is it you're brave and all the rest
of us
shake in our boots?
I don't know more about that,
only I used to be doing it.
How did you know I was here?
I saw you in the window,
No, I won't tell you your colour.