The Village

Those we don't speak of.
Don't be frightened.
It is only farce.
Do not be frightened.
There did exist rumours of,
creatures in these woods.
It is in one of the history books I used
to teach in the towns.
The screams from the woods.
We created those sounds.
The ceremony of meat.
We remove it ourselves, with elders
always aside.

The truth?
They are farce too?
We didn't want anyone to go to the
towns, Ivy.

What about the animals?
The skins of those,
are the elders responsible for that too?
I believe one of the elders is

it will not happen again.
There is no one in this village who has
not lost

someone irreplaceable, who has not felt

so deeply, that they question the very
merit of living at all.
It is a darkness I wished,
you would never know.
Forgive us our silly lies, Ivy, they
were not,

meant to harm.
I am,
sad for you, papa,
