I did everything you said.
I had the taxi, I had the flowers.
Nobody even notices me.
I could have been invisible.
You have a problem getting in?
Oh, honey, I finally used my lock-pick set!
Like this, I was in there and
I'm waiting and I'm poised...
...I'm cool as a cucumber. All of a sudden,
the frigging guy's phone rings.
You flinched.
- I whip my gun around...
- You flinched!
...and I knock over his tomato sauce.
You must stay focused when
you are killing a person!
Then I've got this whole big mess.
The more I try to clean up,
the worse it gets.
Tomato sauce is a tough stain to get
out. You need a good grease cutter.
Then finally, I hear the
guy's key in the lock.
Now, let me guess:
Your shotgun's out of reach.
So now I gotta think fast.
So I go for my gun...
...he slides across the floor and, well...
I would go into detail, but let's just say...
...he left the building.
I gotta say, if the guy's dead,
we gotta put this in the win column.
Same thing with Spiegelman.
He fell down an elevator shaft.
But you were running right
behind him just before he fell.
But I just wanna shoot someone!
All right, now. All right, now, baby.
Murdering another human being
can be a very moving experience.
I got an idea.
What do you say we go and kill
somebody, just us?
We'll find some drunk tourist, take him to
the beach and put three in his coconut.
What's your favorite gun?
- A.45.
- Great.
We'll make a big mess.
How does that sound, baby doll?
My roast.