The Whole Ten Yards

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
This can't be good.
- It really is perfect now, isn't it?
- Yes.

- There's so much planning.
- I know.

So many things to buy.
We gotta get a crib, clothes.
- We have to redecorate the guest bedroom.
- I'll finally get to build that moat.

- What?
- Oh, no worries.

I've already checked with zoning.
Are you kidding? We're not building
a fricking moat in our yard.

This will go all around the perimeter.
- Oz, no. Don't ruin this moment.
- I'm not...

We're having a baby. Not now.
I mean, we're fighting now...

...but then we're gonna have a baby.
- Honey, I'm just trying to...
- Drive me insane.

Look, I don't wanna raise a child in an
environment of complete and total fear.

Fear? Who's talking about fear?
We're talking about a moat.

Just think of it as a
little, round swimming pool.

- You're afraid of everything, Oz.
- That is so not true.

- Thinking about me?
- Off and on. Yeah.

See the paper? Well?
- I'm a little nervous about this.
- There's nothing to be nervous about.

- What, is he driving you nuts again?
- Yes.

Sounds like you could use
a break. A little...

- Cahooting?
- I seem to remember...

:18:44 were always good at cahooting.
I remember a time when your
middle name was danger.

Oh, Jimmy.
- Cynthia.
- I hate lying to Oz like this.

Oz can't know anything
about this. Are we clear?

We're clear. Does Jill suspect anything?
