Los Angeles? Interesting.
All right, so we cut them off at the piss.
Just like John Wayne,
we ride up over the hill.
You two in the Porsche. All right?
When we get to L.A., we strip it,
make a few dollars and then torch it.
But for now, you hot-wire it
and follow us. All right? Come on.
- Can we stop the horseplay for one second?
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Okay, so we had a car. My car.
My $80,000 car.
Then we're on a bus.
And now we're renting a car.
This doesn't make any sense.
- It will.
- I ordered...
...a black cup of coffee, all right?
A black cup of coffee.
I screwed up. I apologize.
Well, do I have to wait another 20 minutes
for your screwup? A black cup of coffee.
- I'll get a fresh cup.
- You're still standing there.
- You're still standing.
- I apologize.
Hey, pal?
Why don't you give the girl a break.
She already said she was sorry.
- She's just working for a living.
- Right.
Why don't you mind your own business.
- Asshole.
- Oh, no.
Where was I?
I was just gonna remind you...
Now, son, you're never gonna be
as mean or rude...
...to a waitress or anybody that brings you
food like your dad just was, are you, son?
- No.
- Real good.
Eat all your corn. Grow up to be big
and strong like your Uncle Jimmy.
You see, Oz? I'd be a great father.