But who will rescue the rescuers?
Alan! Tintin!
Thunderbird 5 has been hit!
- Thunderbird 5 has been hit!
- OK, OK, OK, don't panic. Don't panic.
On the other hand...
- We made land.
- Cut them off.
Activating communications blackout.
'Warning. Intruder alert.
Communications failure.'
What the he... devil is going on?
'Warning. Intruder alert.'
- Mr Tracy, do you copy?
- 'Lntruder alert.'
Thunderbird 3, please respond.
How'd they find the island? Was it what I did
in Thunderbird 1? Did I ruin everything?
No. That compound we found
could have a transmitting capability.
- We have to do something.
- My dad's in the control room.
- How do we get there now?
- The vents.
Let's go! We have to get a message to my dad.
I'm losing all power. Repeat, I'm losing all power.
Hold on, John. We're coming in.
- 'Gordon, prepare for docking.'
- 'You got it, Dad.'
Reverse main thrusters on my mark.
Three, two, one...
- Easy. Watch the roll.
- Roll index angle minus two degrees.
'Lnitiate docking sequence.'