I think, interestingly, this oil rig rescue
is a great combination of CG, complete CG ships,
a model shoot
on a one-tenth scale model of the oil rig,
separate pyrotechnic elements -
the fire elements were enhanced
at a second shoot.
CG rain as well as live rain on the set.
The cockpits were sets,
obviously the exteriors were all CG.
So it's a great meeting
of lots of filmmaking techniques
that hopefully no one in the audience
will ever see where the edges are.
There, in that scene,
we hope to have introduced the Thunderbirds,
who our heroes aspire to be.
Good, cheap, adolescent humour.
In comes our leading lady.
Originally we designed a shot
in which she walked into the room
and brought her own light, magically.
Certain people thought better of that concept
so we have this entrance.
But she looks fabulous -
Marit Allen designed her clothes.
Marit Allen is our costume designer
and, appropriately,
was the editor of vogue in the '70s,
when Lady Penelope was all things Chanel.
Here we are at Wellington College,
where we pretended these kids went to school.
Now the great introduction of FAB 1.