floated in front of the camera,
the poles were erased in postproduction.
So each of these actors had to get fit
for what is essentially an armour plate
and attached to a pole
and then shot in front of a green screen.
Those individual elements were then cut into
the plates of the Thunderbird 5 set,
and we could move the actors,
the Tracy brothers, around in the shot.
In addition, Mark Nelmes,
who did this sequence,
created floating bits of debris that would've been
residue from the explosion,
we added the fire extinguisher,
which rolls toward us.
The oxygen mask and its unit that it's connected to
aren't entirely added in postproduction,
Paxton had to mime putting the mask
over his son, John's, face.
It was tedious shooting again,
planning and rehearsal, and patience.
And, again to Paxton's credit,
he had done so much
zero gravity work on Apollo 13
that he was able to help us
with some physical acting techniques
that, when we were tight,
we didn't have to go through all the rigmarole
of having people actually on these poles
that floated
that you could hopefully, if you were physically
adept enough,
float around and make the audience believe that
you were in zero G in your close-ups.
The Hood, obviously, has stolen
Thunderbird 2, it's about to take off.
But clever Lady P
uses her apparel, appropriately.
These sequences
between Lady P and Parker
were enhanced by the wonderful Richard Curtis,
who's a friend of Working Title
and came to our table read