People call me notorious
Aw, you're ugly!
Good for nothing
Get off!
Good for nothing
What a terrible thing to say
Eat shit, you old fart!
"Shit" I'll take, but "fart" I won't!
I couldn't come back
after I'd done that.
A little bit of money
took care of that.
I'm just happy you're all right.
Stop it! You scare me
when you start crying.
What about that baby?
Is the girl its mother?
Where is your mother, anyway?
Yes! I've been abandoned!
Them's the breaks, I guess.
I could see me in her.
Born on the street,
and back there again.
That's why I want to find her
a home full of love!
All I ever wanted was love!
What the hell?
The geezer's come out.
Where are my clothes?