# We got to install microwave ovens
# Custom kitchen deliveries
# We got to move these refrigerators
# We got to move these colour TVs...
I wanna buy the Wall of Shame.
# Owww-ow-ow! #
Hey, kid,...
..go buy yourself a personality.
(Tolly) Gosh.
I hope the Tooth Fairy
doesn't get in trouble for this.
(announcer) Repeat.: code red.
This is a code red.
Repeat.: code red.
Is this the Christmas party?
Operative 565!
The boss wants to see you!
(toilet flushes)
He used to work the cash machine.
Now he's cleaning toilets
for the next millennium.
(whispers) One can only dream what's
in store for you. (clears throat)
Ah, Tooth, good to see ya.
You look busy.
Why don't I come back never?
Relax! Take a load off.
Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea,
carrot cake? Or how about...
..a new career?!
- (whispers) Give me a break.
- Excuse me?
I said it's a terrible mistake.
Ha-ha! You're funny, kid. (munches)
Three packs a day, I gotta cut down.
Look, kid, we got Christmas
in 36 hours but we can't afford it...
..cos you just gave away a gazillion
dollars like a deranged slot machine!
It was just a prank. So make more.
Make more? With what?
Ohhh... I got stress.
You fried the money machine.
Three, two, one,... kablooey!