What's the map for, anyway?
lt'll get us to Mrs C.
She's Santa Claus's wife.
(Tolly) We're gonna see Santa?!
I'm gonna ask for peace on earth
and for broccoli to taste like candy.
(Tom) Yep.
I'm on the road to Crazy Town.
Would someone please tell me
what's going on?
# There's a state of emergency
An all-girl alert
# Don't try to approach her
or you might get hurt...
So now the money's gone
I got 27 hours to find magic...
..or Christmas gets the axe
and I get blamed. Stop!
# Girl on a mission
That is the dumbest story
I ever heard.
Oh, you're the expert(!)
I'm scared about Mom and Dad.
We'll get 'em back, squid. OK?
- I promise.
- OK.
I lost my rabbit.
Forget it. We're not going back.
(muffled) Help. Help me.
Rabbits and fairies.
I want them both.
It's two-for Tuesday. Nab one freak
of nature, get one free. (chuckles)
(device warbles)
(device trills)
Two teams. Team Two grabs the fairy,
Team One nabs the rabbit.
Hysterical. You're fired.
- There's a good girl.
- (growling)
Where is she, eh?
Follow the smell. Which direction?
All right, Hunters.