You've got till sundown
to hand over my bikes.
- Your brother said we had a deal.
- Junior don't do the deals around here, I do.
Well, if Junior ain't allowed to make deals,
he shouldn't be allowed to speak.
That's funny, because I was
thinking the same thing.
I didn't come here to watch you
pet your dog, primate.
I didn't invite your Dukes of Hazzard ass.
So you can raise up whenever you feel it.
The answer is no.
You're not slinging your dope on my streets.
Hand me that bottle.
...I'm not some dimebag street punk.
I'm a businessman.
And I'm telling you to make this right.
I wouldn't give a shit
if you was Don Corleone himself.
The answer is still no.
So get out of my face.
What the hell was you looking at?
I love you.
Trey, what's wrong? I thought you
would've been down with that shit.
You could've made a killing.
First you gonna act a fool
up there on the road, now this?