Well, that didn't fly.
Screw it. Let's haul ass down
to Mexico and don't look back.
As much as I hate to say it,
I agree with him.
- We're going to L.A.
- Oh, yeah. That makes sense.
I have to get Henry's bike.
That will clear me.
They'll have checkpoints on every
dirt road between here and the coast.
We're not exactly hard
to spot driving these.
- You wanna ditch the bikes?
- No, I'd rather be fast than invisible.
Come on. Wouldn't be any fun
if it was easy, right?
I live my life a quarter mile at a time.
That is the dumbest thing
I've ever heard.
Po-po got the highways
blocked from here to L.A.
Why would he go to the one place
he know I got on lockdown?
- Let's catch him on the interstate.
- No, he's smarter than that.
He trying to backdoor us.
He going through the Palms.
That's the way I'd go.
And that's the way we going.
You know, Henry James did pull six months
in L.A. County last year for possession.
Maybe Ford is onto something.
Then you can't help me!
Call in. Check everything
from Lone Pine and L.A.
- You think Ford's going back to L.A.?
- He's going after Henry James.
If he's right and Henry did set him up,
that's what I'd do. Let's go!
- You have to pay for the gas.
- Oh, right.