The fact, that you are
tied to your partner,
means that you put an immense amount of
trust in someone else's skill and ability.
But at some point, you may be thinking,
"For god's sake, Simon, don't fall
here, for god's sake, don't fall here"
The rope can be something that rather
than save your life, could kill you.
If your mate falls off then all
this gear rips out, you're dead,
you're gonna go with him.
If you're gonna do that sort of climbing
at some point you're gonna have to rely
wholly on your partner.
I think we were very pleased
at the end of that first day.
We had done a lot of
climbing, good climbing.
And we were very confident at
that point that we should make it.
That altitude, you dehydrate enormously.
You have to drink a lot
of fluid, 4-5 liters a day.
And the only way you can
get it, is by melting snow.
Everything is so time-consuming.
To make a single brew at that
altitude takes a very long time,
You're perhaps looking at an hour
just to make a couple of cups.
For that reason, we perhaps didn't
brew up as much as we should have done
but we didn't have an awful lot
of spare gas with us, either.
There's not a lot of risk
in our lives normally now.
And to put an element of risk back
into it takes us out of the humdrum.