It would now go very cold indeed.
And we were up
5800-6000m, it was windy.
Then it started snowing, and it meant
that the whole face was pooring
with powdersnow avalanches.
The snow would actually stick
on the outside of your clothing.
It would then freeze on top of you,
like you're wearing a suit of armor.
The last section on the face
was about 100m of the
most nightmarish climbing.
Completely unstable powder snow.
No anchors at any point.
It was physically very, very
tiring, full-body climbing really.
It took us the best part of 5 or
6 hours to climb about 65 meters.
Carried on way after it got dark.
I was getting extremely cold,
'cause I was sitting still
while Simon was trying to climb.
I was getting near hypothermic.
You just knew that if you'd
just carried on, regardless,
it was gonna go tits up.
So we dug a snow cave.