Quite wild, the pain now. I
couldn't cope with it at first.
I just breathed on and it started to
go and I can remember looking across
to the west and seeing that we
were level with the summit of Rasac,
so I had a height gauge, where we were.
and I just thought, "fuck,
I can't have broken my leg",
"If I have broken my leg I'm dead."
And then the rope went slack.
I knew that meant that
Simon was coming towards me.
I couldn't feel any bone under anything.
I brought my hand down,
there's no blood on it,
and the pain had gone down a little bit.
And I thought, maybe I
was being a bit whacked,
I'd just torn a ligament or something.
I tried to stand on it
I felt all the bone go, all grating and
everything and I knew it was broken then.
The look that he gave
to me sticks in my mind
A look of shock and desperation
and a sort of terror.
Lots of things in a single look.
And he said, "Are you ok?"
I think it did occur to me to say,
"Yeah, I'm fine". That was stupid.