Touching the Void

I had long since
stopped believing in God.

I always wondered, if things really hit
the fan, whether I would, under pressure,

turn around and say a few Hail
Mary's, and say "get me out of here".

It never once occurred to me.
It meant that I really don't believe.
And I really do think that when you die,
you die. That's it, there's no afterlife.

There's nothing.
And I was thinking, "Could
I climb out of here?"

25 meter of overhanging ice. No way,
I couldn't do it with a good leg.

I knew that they were both dead. But I
couldn't just clear off and leave the camp.

For one thing, I didn't
know anything about them,

except for their first
names, Joe and Simon.

I didn't know their family names,
I really knew nothing about them.

And I had this bizarre idea, that
if they'd fallen off the mountain,

they would have just
landed at the bottom of it.

And I thought, perhaps from the bottom
of the glacier, I'd be able to see them.

And set off with the aim
of going as far as I could.
