
Yeah. Well, I'm very sorry
about that, Edmund.

But now that I'm on the case,
we will be petitioning

the judge to reconsider your bail.
We will be pursuing
many, many other options. OK?

I know your little dirty side.
I know you.

You're me.
Come on.
Ray, please tell me you are not
gonna represent that loser.

That loser's daddy
is Culter Pharmaceuticals.

I golf with him Tuesdays
at the Olympic Club.

He's asked me, as a favor,
to defend his boy.

I'm gonna do that.
Is that a problem?

When you were assistant DA,
you used to love

to nail bad guys' asses to the wall
like trophies.

Raymond Porter. I wonder whatever
happened to "crime doesn't pay"?

Gee, Delmarco, I don't know.
Whatever happened to
"innocent until proven guilty"?

I mean, do cops
ever make mistakes?

How about you, Mike?
Ever make a mistake?

Yeah, you know
what I'm talking about.

Would you excuse us?
I need to speak with Jessica
for a minute. In private.

OK, that guy, Delmarco,
tends to go off the deep end.
You be careful.

Ray, you got a client
with a string of murders in his past.

Wait a second, every defendant
has the right to his day in court.

That young man
has no prior convictions...

He's the guy.
I nabbed him in the act.

Well, sometimes nabbing the bad guy
is the easy part.

The hard part is learning how to relax.
Yeah. Maybe you know someone
who could help you with that?

I think about that night.
I think about it all the time.
Always thought you'd come back...
