-Is Morten here?
-I think they re on their way.
-Where are you?
-Where are you?
-Are you nearby?
-Do you have a key?
-Are you taIking to me?
-You've got the worst echo...
"-Where are you?I'm on my way".
- What a nag!
- Where have you been?
It s Lars.
He never showed up for that deal.
Were you going to waIk right in?
Wait out here.
-I want to fuck Khuram's sister.
-She's so young.
-Think he'd find out?
-He doesn't even let her outside.
-You think he wouId find out?
-He'd kill you.
Got a second?
-How much are we taIk ng?
-So you spent 50.000?
-I didn t spend aII of it.
-Is the money here?
-Is the stuff here?
-Not aII of it.
-You sold stuff you didn t have?
-I can give him Decca.