No he needs Omnadren.
You can't bail out on a deaI
and hide in your room.
-Give Khuram his money or his stuff.
-He can get it later.
When I get the rest from Stefan.
On Wednesday.
How much is that worth?
If I give that to Khuramm,
you owe himm for 40 grand?
And you'll have that on Wednesday?
Dav d you don't have to do that.
Then what am I doing here?
-Hi .
-Can we talk?
It s onIy '10 grand worth.
You II get the rest on Wednesday.
-I ordered for 50.
-HIe doesn t have the rest yet.
Don t Iook at me.
I ve got nothing to do with it. OK?
You're leaving.
He's waiting for you.