
What is this?
We told him you're
his best friend.

- His best friend is dead.
- Now he thinks we killed him.

Hold on.
Give me a sec.

- How are you feeling? Does it hurt?
- Fuck you!

Where did you get that?
You don't share with us,
we don't share with you.

You're not FBI,
who the hell are you?

- CIA.
- Spooks working domestic.

Now that's illegal.
- We're on the same side.
- No.

Somebody injected this shit
into my friend.

I'm on his side.
Your friend?
My friend, my family.
You're fucking with my family.
What is this shit?
It's called XE,
as in "experimental".

What does it do?
If I inject you with this...
can I make you shoot
somebody at the police station?

You can control the subject
with a simple suggestion.

And it's fatal.
Total synapse failure from
6 to 8 hours of injection.

Is there an antidote?
- We don't have it.
- Who does?
