The key to life.
Life for Dracula's children.
He already awakened them last night.
And those were from only one bride.
From one single birthing.
And they died
as they did the last time he tried.
Only with me
can he give them lasting life.
There are more?
More of those things?
Thousands more.
[Soft instrumental music]
ANNA: You heard what he said.
My life, my job is to vanquish evil.
I can sense evil.
VAN HELSING: This thing, man,
whatever it is...
evil may have created it,
may have left its mark on it.
But evil does not rule it,
so I cannot kill it.
- I can.
- Not while I'm here.
Your family has spent 400 years
trying to kill Dracula.
Maybe this poor creature
can help us find a way.
[Werewolf growling]
Oh, my God. He's seen us.
Now they'll come for him.
Neither you nor I
will be able to stop them.
If I can get him to Rome,
we can protect him there.
And then the painting came alive...
and the two creatures
attacked each other.
- What does it mean?
- I don't know.
Listen, Carl, whatever you do,
don't stare at him.
I'm staring at him.
Is that a man?
VAN HELSING: Actually, seven men.
Parts, anyway.
By exposing me,
you have condemned me!
Me and all of humanity!
Nothing is faster
than Transylvanian horses.
Not even a werewolf.
Anything else, you're on your own.