You want cookies?
Warm miIk?
ShouId I fix you
some sandwiches?
I don't want
any fucking sandwiches.
What is it with you
and fixing fucking sandwiches?
Do you want anything eIse?
I brought you some orange juice.
What's in it?
Look what I have.
An Advent caIendar.
What the heII is that?
It's the story of Christmas,
but in a caIendar.
Every day you peeI open
a new box.
You get part of the story.
And then there's
a chocoIate inside.
Do you want to open up
today's box and read it?
You go ahead .
Jesus Christ, kid .
Watch the nuts.
''So Joseph went up from
the town of Nazareth in GaIiIee
to Judea, to BethIehem ,
the town of David .
In those days Caesar Augustus
issued a decree
that a census shouId be taken
of the entire Roman worId .
Everyone went to his hometown
to register.''
-That it?
That's an awesome
fucking story, kid .
There's more to it, but we
have to wait tiII tomorrow.
Do you want to eat
the chocoIate?
You go ahead .