Van Helsing

Fuck me, Santa.
Fuck me, Santa.

Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa.
Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa.

Fuck me, Santa.
Fuck me, Santa!

Can't I at Ieast take
this hat off?

[ Laughing ]
No. I Iove the hat.

[ Moans ]

[ Breathing heaviIy ]

I've aIways had a thing
for Santa CIaus.

In case you didn't notice.
It's Iike some deep-seated
chiIdhood thing .

So is my thing for tits.
Yeah .
It is Iike that, though .

From when you're a kid .
'Cause my dad was Jewish ,
and we didn't have Christmas.

So it was Iike
this forbidden thing .

[ Laughs, cIears throat ]
So. . .
I Iike you .
Don't mothbaII that suit.
What the fuck?
I am not gay.
-What the heII , buddy?

I said I am not gay.
Are you off your fucking meds
or something?

But that isn't
what this is about.

You're as queer as a $ 1 0 biII .
Let me teII you something ,

My brother Iost a goddamn arm
fighting you fuckers in Vietnam .

So I want you to Iook at my face
one Iast fucking time.

This is the Iast thing you're
ever gonna see before I --

EIf fucker!
-Turn around , eIf fucker.

Who's the bitch now,
Santy CIaus? Huh?

Faggy CIaus!

Leave Santa aIone!
LittIe boy, don't interfere.
I am doing this for aII of us.

Leave Santa aIone!
[ Grunts ]
Ass cIown .
