Van Helsing

-What the heII is a Iunamaria?
-They're Iuminarias.

SmaII sacks fiIIed with
about a pound of sand each .

We insert a candIe
in the middIe, Iight it,

and the bag gIows.
Then we Iine
aII the sidewaIks here

aII around the neighborhood .
You see, we don't ceIebrate
Christmas around here, so. . .

We're, uh , we're MusIims.
Look, it's my first year
running this.

I'd Iike it if there weren't
any gaps in it.

What if I come by
Christmas Eve and do it for you?

No, you know what?
You don't have to do that.

Yeah , me and the kid here,
we'II do something .

I got the suppIies.

-I'II throw them in the garage.

Going in the garage,
just so you know.

MAN ON TV: You can make
a deIicious six-pound chicken .

Enough hot dogs and sausages
to feed a smaII army.

Not one, but two deIicious
rotisserie chickens.

Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa.
Fuck me, Santa.

Fuck me, Santa.
Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa.

MAN ON TV: Scrumptious
6 1 /2-pound standing rib roast.

And everybody's favorite,
baby back ribs.

[ AppIause ]
[ Grunting ]
This is such a nice house.
Needs a woman's touch , though .
I just rent
the fucking pIace anyway.

Yeah .
I just rent stuff, too.

[ MumbIes ]
How Iong are you gonna be here?
What? On the couch?
In town .
I don't know.
Just through the hoIidays.

You know, then I'II move on .
