Ten guineas it shall be.
I'm very much obliged, sir.
- Good day to you, Mr. Sharp.
- Good day, my lord.
The orphanage can take her,
but I thought you might find her useful.
With both parents dead,
there's no one to fuss.
You can...
do what you like with the child.
How fluent is her French?
Oh, very.
Her mother was Parisian.
An opera girl.
I see.
Well, the less said
about that the better.
Good-bye, Miss Sedley.
You are a credit to us.
Take this copy of the great
Dr. Johnson's dictionary
as a token of our good wishes.
Thank you,
Miss Pinkerton.
You've tidied the library?
Yes, Miss Green.
And the sheet music?
It's all put away?
Yes, it is,
Miss Green.
Well, what about the study hall?
Have you swept it
I have and for the last time.
Don't be too sure, Miss Sharp.
Life can be very unpredictable.
Oh, I do hope so,
Miss Green.
Miss Sharp,
I can't pretend to understand...