Vanity Fair

Is she, Pitt? No.
Pitt's mother, my first wife,
she was the daughter of a lord,

which makes him grander
than all of us put together,
doesn't it, Pitt?

Whatever you say, sir.
Oh, yes. Very grand.
Too grand for me.
But this one ain't.

Her father was an ironmonger,
wasn't he, my lady?

He was, sir.

When shall we discuss
the girls' lessons?

My strengths are music,
drawing and French,

but I can teach them
whatever you wish.

You'll be kind to my girls,
Miss Sharp?

Don't worry. I'll treat them
just as sensitively as they deserve.


What is this?
It's, uh,

"Potage de mouton à I'Ecossaise. '"
Oh, mutton broth.
What sheep was it, Horrocks?
When did you kill?

One of the black-faced Scots, Sir Pitt.
We killed on Thursday.

Did she squeal?
Didn't she just.

Oh, good.
Always improves the flavor, that.

"To be honest, dearest Amelia,

"Sir Pitt is not what you and I
would think a baronet should be.

More ancient stable than ancient fable."
No lights after 11:;00,
you little hussy.

Go to bed in the dark,
unless you'd like me to come in
for your candle every night, hmm?

"All in all, my hopes for the family lie
with Sir Pitt's younger son,

Captain Rawdon Crawley,
who will soon be back from
his regiment. '"

I would like...
