No, no, no.
I mean my brother, not my aunt.
They used to call him
"Miss Crawley" at Eton.
Go on. Admit it.
He looks a little underweight.
He's the dullest dog
in shoe leather.
Really, Captain Crawley.
Are you trying to steer me
towards an indiscretion?
Would you like me to?
No man has managed it yet.
- What was that?
- Nothing. A false note.
Allez, Rose, Celia. Dépêchez.
Faites vosà obeissances a votre tante.
Don't waste your time,
Miss Sharp.
All foreign languages
are ancient Greek to my sisters.
And they always will be
if they're not spoken before them.
I quite agree, Miss Sharp.
What a treat to find someone
cultured in this house.
Vous parlez bien.
My mother was French.
A French mother?
Now, that's altogether
too romantic for a governess.
Who was she?
Have you heard
of the Montmorencys?
Who has not?
So, you're an impoverished aristocrat.
I had you down for an adventuress.
And are they mutually exclusive?
Oh, please tell me there's something
disreputable in your past.
Well, my father was an artist.
Ah, that's better.
A starving one, I hope.
Absolutely ravenous.
Who's ravenous... besides me?
Horrocks? When's dinner?
Any minute now,
Sir Pitt.
I'd best excuse myself.
Come along, girls.
- Is Miss Sharp not to dine with us?
- Well, don't ask me. Ask Pitt.
I hope she's not banished
in my honor.
You know I am nothing
if not democratic.