Come in, my dear.
I've left my toadies in London.
And what bores they are
It falls to you
to make me laugh.
She's clever enough,
isn't she, Firkin?
I think Miss seems
very clever.
Oh, yes.
If merit had its just reward,
you ought to be a duchess.
You set no store by birth, then?
Silly old fool,
grabbing at my money
for her daughter's intended,
that hypocrite Pitt.
He should put down his Bible
and do the dirty work himself.
With a decent position,
you could put the world on a leash.
Perhaps I'll surprise you
and run away with a great man.
Oh, that'd be perfect.
I love elopements.
I've set my heart on Rawdon
running away with someone.
A rich someone
or a poor someone?
Well, above all,
a clever someone.
He's the dearest of creatures,
but not the wisest.
What's the matter?
Oh, it's the lobster.
They've poisoned me
with the lobster.
Off you go.
Sir Pitt? Mm.
Can I not be of any assistance?
L- I don't think so, madam.
The doctor is with her now.
The best we can do
is pray, pray for her soul.
And for her
hundred thousand.
Will she live, Doctor?
Well, I've pumped her.
I've purged her.
There's nothing more I can do.
Now, it rests with the Lord.